Each of these documents are very large files. For facilitating the downloading of these materials we have divided each of the manuals by sections or chapters. Please remember that each of these components has a facilitators or implementation manual with participants handouts, make sure you download each one of them. These files are Acrobat Reader files.
- Unit 01. Overview of ASPIRA
- Unit 02. The ASPIRA Clubs
- Unit 03. Building Personal Growth
- Unit 04. Building Resiliency
- Unit 05. Leadership Development
- Unit 06. Academic Success
- Unit 07. Career Awareness
- Unit 08. Community Involvement
- Unit 09. Building Cultural Awareness
- Unit 10. Public Policy Leadership
- Unit 11. Financial Literacy and Personal Finance
Unit 01. Overview of ASPIRA
Unit Description: Participants will learn about ASPIRA, its mission, vision and history. They will learn about ASPIRA’s goals, philosophy and the ASPIRA Process. They will examine its symbols. Participants will also learn about expectations of Aspirantes and they will participate in an Areyto Ceremony.
Goal: Participants will develop knowledge of ASPIRA’s mission, vision and history and the ASPIRA Process. Participants will also understand the importance of ASPIRA in the development of the Puerto Rican and Latino community. The overall aim is that they will use ASPIRA’s principles as a guide for their future actions and development.
Unit I. ASPIRA Overview
Unit 02. The ASPIRA Clubs
Course Description: Participants will learn about the ASPIRA Process, expectations of Aspirantes, ASPIRA’s Leadership Development Clubs and the ASPIRA Club structure. They will learn about the roles and responsibilities of officers, and about the ASPIRA Club Federation. They will also review Robert’s Rules of Order.
Goal: Participants will develop knowledge of ASPIRA, ASPIRA clubs and the responsibilities of club officers. The overall aim is that they will use ASPIRA’s principles as a guide for their future actions and development.
Unit II. ASPIRA Clubs
Unit 03. Building Personal Growth
Course Introduction: Participants will learn and reflect on their lives to develop awareness about self and others. They will examine their identities, self-esteem, values, strengths and weaknesses. Participants will also learn how to keep motivated and will enhance their communications skills. Additionally, participants will write their personal mission, vision and goals. Finally, they will learn about group dynamics, tolerance and prejudice. This program activity is designed to develop students’ understanding of the conflict cycle, words, gestures, and behavior that promotes collaboration or diminish conflict. Peer mediation, effective communication, active listening and non-verbal communication are among the skills that are practiced.Course Description:
Goal: Participants will develop knowledge of self and others in order to prepare for effective leadership through the exposure to a series of activities that promote healthy self-esteem, identity and cultural awareness, and development of thinking, communication, planning and organizing skills.
Unit III. Intro
Unit III. Part 1
Unit III. Part 2
Unit III. Part 3
Unit III. Part 4
Unit III. Part 5
Unit III. Part 6
Unit III. Part 7
Unit III. Part 8
Unit III. Part 9
Unit III. Part 10
Unit III. Part 11
Unit III. Part 12
Unit 04. Building Resiliency
Course Description: Participants will work in creating definitions of youth violence and will examine the factors that lead to youth violence and how they can avoid falling on this trap. They will learn how building self-resilience, stabling goals and maintaining parent/guardian-child communication can help to prevent them from becoming victims of bullying and gang violence.
Goal: Youth will develop resiliency skills through the seminars on youth violence, bullying and gang violence prevention. This course promotes parent-child communication and emphasizes self-responsibility.
Unit IV. Intro
Unit IV. Part 1
Unit IV. Part 2
Unit IV. Part 3
Unit 05. Leadership Development
Course Description: Participants will learn about the definitions of leadership, leadership characteristics and skills, types of power for leaders, individual differences, leadership styles, leadership principals and ethics, leadership as a process, impact of culture and community on leadership, diversity of leadership, and leader and follower relations. They will develop leadership skills through hands on participation.
Goal: Youth will learn the basic concepts of leadership development. They will learn the concept of leadership and will understand what it means to be a leader. They will also learn different models and theories of leadership.
Unit V. Intro
Unit V. Part 1
Unit V. Part 2
Unit V. Part 3
Unit V. Part 4
Unit V. Part 5
Unit V. Part 6
Unit V. Part 7
Unit V. Part 8
Unit V. Part 9
Unit 06. Academic Success
Course Description: Participants will learn about planning their education from high school to college. They will learn how to succeed academically by learning about study skills, time management, reading techniques, and test taking skills for PSAT, SAT, and ACT tests. Also, they will be able to write their personal statement and be better prepared for college. The course will also enable participants to have an understanding about the college application process. This includes college selection, college visits, financial aid, and scholarship search. Finally, they will learn about post secondary education life.
Goal: Participants will learn how to plan their academic studies in order to have a successful academic performance. In addition, they will learn about the college application process and how to pay for college.
Unit VI. Intro
Unit VI. Part 1
Unit VI. Part 2
Unit VI. Part 3
Unit VI. Part 4
Unit VI. Part 5
Unit VI. Part 6
Unit VI. Part 7
Unit 07. Career Awareness
Course Description: The word “career” has a scary sound to it when you are still in school. Careers are for college graduates or those who have been in the work force for years. When adults asks kids what they want to do as a career. But there are more than 40,000 jobs titles a person ca hold. We tell kids to pick a path first. When you exit high school, there are three paths you can take. One is to the work force, one leads to the military as a career or as a stepping stone. The third leads to more education, a professional degree, a four-year degree, or a two year degree. They have to determine which path will take. This section will show participants how they can begin to explore their interests and school subjects related to what they like to do in a future career.
Goal: Participants will become familiar with career research and paths to careers. They will also apply their decision-making skills to career selection.
Additional Instructional Resources:
Life Inc. Recently, the Deloitte Foundation teamed with Neale Godfrey, author of LIFE, Inc.: The Ultimate Career Guide for Young People to provide her book, student journal, teacher’s guide, companion website and other valuable tools to help middle and high school students begin thinking about possible careers. LIFE, Inc.: The Ultimate Career Guide for Young People provides creative ways for students to begin thinking about future careers. The associated website encourages young people to examine their likes/dislikes and talents in innovative and interactive ways. Techniques of gaming and assessments are some of the tools utilized. The LIFE, Inc. curriculum consists of the: Career Guide, Student Journal, Teacher’s Guide and supplemental website.
Unit VII. Intro
Unit VII. 1
Unit VII. 2
Unit VII. 3
Unit 08. Community Involvement
Course Description: Participants will learn about the definition and history of the community. Also, they will be able to learn about community assessment, which includes local resources, fact-finding field trips, community mapping, and environmental awareness. The course will enable participants to develop and implement projects and learn about community service and service learning.
Goal: Youth will learn the basic concepts of community. They will learn about the community history. They will also examine the influence of culture on community and will have an opportunity to develop and implement a project to carry out in the community as future leaders.
Unit VIII. Intro
Unit VIII. 1
Unit VIII. 2
Unit VIII. 3
Unit VIII. 4
Unit VIII. 5
Unit 09. Building Cultural Awareness
Course Description: Participants will learn to develop a better understanding of the Latino culture and history of the community. They will also examine diversity, prejudice and racism. Additionally, they will have an opportunity to complete a cultural project in order to develop a better understanding of other people’s cultures.
Goal: Participants will develop knowledge and awareness about the Latino culture. They will be able to explain what culture and race is. Participants will also develop consciousness of the issues of prejudice, racism, stereotyping and diversity.
Unit IX. Intro
Unit IX. Part 1
Unit IX. Part 2
Unit IX. Part 3
Unit 10. Public Policy Leadership
Course Description: Participants will learn about the public policy process while developing their leadership skills. This should assist in facilitating their involvement in the policy arena at the local, regional, and national levels. Students will define public policy and study policy-making structures. Students will become more acquainted with their community, and the public policy issues affecting it. They will be provided with applications of policy development for impacting public policy. Students will become engaged in a community service project that provides them with the opportunity to participate in public policy issues in their community.
Students will be involved in community leadership activities by working, and interacting with public policy makers.
Goal: The goal of the Public Policy unit is to empower Latino youth by informing them about the public policy process while developing their leadership skills. The anticipated outcome is their involvement in the policy arena at the local, regional and national levels.
Unit X. Intro
Unit X. Part 1
Unit X. Part 2
Unit X. Part 3
Unit X. Part 4
Unit 11. Financial Literacy and Personal Finance
Course Description: Participants will learn and develop knowledge of financial literacy by understanding the ABC’s of checking, savings and investment accounts, and the importance of maintaining a healthy checking account. They will develop an appreciation for setting financial goals, building monthly budgets, establishing and maintaining good credit, proper use of credit cards, managing credit issues and and securing tax records.
Goal: Youth will learn the basics of financial literacy and personal finance. They will learn the concepts of banking services and will understand what it means to have a successful financial plan.
Unit XI. Intro
Unit XI. 1
Unit XI. 2
Unit XI. 3
Unit XI. 4