Clients Demographics

  • The national origin of our client base: ASPIRA is a very diverse and inclusive organization working with substantial numbers of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Dominicans, Central Americans, South Americans, and Cubans, as well as Native Americans, African Americans, non-Hispanic whites, and Haitians, among others.
  • Gender: From the perspective of gender distribution, our student population is distributed as 65% females and 35% males.
  • Clients age distribution: ASPIRA serves youth and adults. Age of youth served by ASPIRA varies by state depending on their programs, but in general we serve pre-school students (4 years old) to high school students. The adult population served is primarily composed of student’s parents, on the average from 25 to 55 years old.

Where do we provide our services?

  • ASPIRA locations: ASPIRA Associates offices are located in the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico. The National office is located in Washington, DC and delivers services to residents in the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland.
  • National scope: One of the advantages of the ASPIRA Association is its widespread reach, with its offices in eight states and Puerto Rico. At these locations ASPIRA maintains its long-standing relationship with the community. In addition, ASPIRA has hundreds of partners nationally through which it has delivered ASPIRA-originated programming.
  • Global virtual outreach: ASPIRA programs and resources are used domestically by thousands of individuals daily in the USA through our robust web page Internationally our resources are used by organizations and individuals in North America (Canada and Mexico), in Europe (mainly Spain and the United Kingdom), in Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Nicaragua), in the Caribbean (Cuba and Dominican Republic), in South America (Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia), and in Asia (China and India).
  • International cooperative agreements: ASPIRA programs and online resources are used over 10,000 organizations operating telecenters in North America, Central America, South America, Africa, the Caribbean and Spain through several international cooperative agreements.